Resultados: 13

Enfermeras e matronas: sobrecargadas de trabajo, mal pagadas e infravaloradas?

En mayo se celebra el Día Internacional de la Matrona y el Día Internacional de la Enfermera, dos grupos de trabajadores que desempeñan funciones esenciales en cualquier sistema sanitario. Sin embargo, ambas profesiones -dominadas por mujeres- se caracterizan por largas jornadas laborales y bajos sala...

Enfermagem brasileira e a pandemia de COVID-19: desigualdades em evidência

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 25 (spe), 2021
Objetivos: Refletir sobre as desigualdades que afetam a Enfermagem em sua trajetória histórica e que se acentuam durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Métodos: Método crítico-reflexivo com aporte no referencial do materialismo histórico-dialético. Foram analisados posicionamentos das entidades de classe...

Working conditions of Nursing professionals in coping with the Covid-19 pandemic

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 42 (spe), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective To trigger a reflection on the current working conditions of Nursing professionals in coping with the Covid-19 pandemic. Method A theoretical-reflective study supported by studies from the Marxist perspective, national and international scientific articles, and official documents fr...

Factors associated with the risk of violence against older adult women: a cross-sectional study

Objective: to identify the factors associated with the risk of violence against older adult women. Method: this is a quantitative, analytical, and cross-sectional research conducted with 122 older adult females in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Data collection was carried out using val...

Gestão do trabalho de equipes da saúde da família

RESUMO: Objetivos Descrever o perfil, formação complementar, aspectos sobre educação permanente, vínculo e plano de carreira de profissionais de equipes da Saúde da Família. Método Pesquisa descritiva de abordagem quantitativa. Participaram 78 membros de equipes multiprofissionais. Os dados for...

Institutionalized child care experiences: the hidden side of work

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 40 (), 2019
Abstract Objective: To know the caregiver's perception about the work/care with the institutionalized child. Methods: Qualitative research that used the Theory of Attachment and Symbolic Interactionism as theoretical references and the Grounded Theory as a methodological reference. Data was collected...

Adversities experienced by professionals in the Primary Healh Care: implications for the meanings of the work

Abstract Objective: To understand the experiences of adversity in the Primary Health Care and their implications for the meanings of the participant professionals' work. Methods: Single case study, of qualitative nature, with 62 professionals active in the Family Health Strategy, whose data were collec...

Satisfacción laboral de la enfermera

Objetivo: determinar la satisfacción laboral de la enfermera general. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo en 58 enfermeras generales de base, adscritas a Urgencias y al Departamento de Medicina Interna del Hospital de Especialidades 14, Centro Médico Nacional "Adolfo...

Brazilian nurses' sociodemographic changes in the first decade of the 21st century

ABSTRACT Objective: analyze income and work conditions of nurses in Brazil in 2000 and 2010. Methods: based on demographic census samples, socioeconomic characteristics of nurses were described according to income and work hours. Statistic models estimated the chances (odds ratios) of nurses having low...

Influências sociodemográficas e laborais na satisfação profissional de enfermeiros em hospital público

Rev. enferm. UERJ; 25 (), 2017
Objetivo: analisar a satisfação profissional de enfermeiros e averiguar a influência das características sociodemográficas e laborais sobre a mesma. Método: estudo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em hospital público do Paraná, com 39 enfermeiros que responderam um questionário ...